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When deciding to use a new framework, especially a smart contract one, you always have to ask the question "Why?"

What problem are you trying to solve?

The Delegatable framework is designed to overcome a number of challenges with native EVM transactions.

Examples of specific problem native transactions:

  • Authorization: Permissions handled on a contact-by-contract basis. Instead of at the protocol or generalized framework level.
  • Ordering: No expressive and dynamic transaction flows. Transactions must be processed in sequential order.
  • Scalability: Fine-tuned permissions and delegations generally require on-chain storage.
  • Unbounded: Access controls are not limited by timestamp, blockNumber or other on-chain conditionals.

When signing a Transaction with your Account, you expect a Wallet application to promptly submit the transaction?

🤔 But what happens if a Wallet doesn't submit the transaction... immediately.

What if the Wallet has a partnership with a "Secret Flashbots Cabal" and the transaction isn't immediately sent to be mined; instead your transaction is sent to a MEV (miner extractable valuable) data processing warehouse, where they use this information to change the market conditions in 30 - 90 seconds, so you are negatively impacted, when the transaction is finally submitted?

🤯 A drastic example, but it illustrates the point!

Bounded run-time permissions on transactions are very important. Whether it's limiting attacks from bad actors or just dealing with bad network connection, Users should have the power to decide when and how their transactions are executed.

Uniswap V2 - Real World Example

Uniswap V2 includes a blockNumber deadline as an input in the swapTokensForExactTokens function.

function swapTokensForExactTokens(
uint amountOut,
uint amountInMax,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline

Code Source

With the Delegatable framework, a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap, could use the BlockNumberBefore Enforcer instead of including blockNumber deadlines at the application/protocol layer. Additionally Users could set before, after and between conditionals, instead of just before, without changing the core smart contract function logic.

Why is this important, you might ask?

First, we have to ask the question "Why does Uniswap have to enforce transaction-level access controls at all?"

It's actually kind'of odd that UniswapV2 is required to include blockNumber deadlines in an AutomatedMarketMaker primitive when you really think about it. Ultimately that's a decision, which should be made independently of the protocol. A power exclusive to the Account signing and executing the transaction.